C Programming

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C Programming Language Summer Training Patna

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C Programming Language Summer Training Patna
C Programming Courses Description

C Programming Language is a mid-level programming language that was developed in the mid-1970s Designed by:Dennis Ritchie. It was originally used for writing Unix programs, but is now used to write applications for nearly every available platform. Compared to most previous languages, C is easier to read, more flexible (can be used for a wide variety of purposes), and more efficient at using memory.

C is a general-purpose programming language used for wide range of applications from Operating systems like Windows and iOS to software that is used for creating 3D movies.C programming is highly efficient. That’s the main reason why it’s very popular despite being more than 40 years old.Standard C programs are portable. The source code written in one system works in another operating system without any change.The C Language is developed for creating system applications that direct interacts to the hardware devices such as drivers, kernals etc.

C Programming language Course Contents

Overview of the Programming Languages

  • What is C Language
  • Why C Language
  • Future in C Language
  • Summary

Setting up and Installing C Language

  • Prerequisite in C Language
  • Installation of C
  • Summary

Data Type, Constants & Variables

  • What is Data Types in C Language with practical
  • Integers, long and short in C Language with practical
  • Integers, signed and unsigned in C Language with practical
  • Chars, signed and unsigned in C Language with practical
  • Floats and Doubles in C Language with practical
  • Constants in C with practical
  • Variables in C with practical
  • Keywords in C with practical
  • How to get input from user with practical
  • How to display output to user with practical
  • Summary


  • IF-Else Statement in C Language with practical
  • for Loop in C Language with practical
  • While Loop in C Language with practical
  • Do-While Loop in C Language with practical
  • Break in C Language with practical
  • Continue in C Language with practical
  • Switch in C Language with practical
  • Summary


  • What is a Function in C Language with practical
  • Passing Values between Functions in C Language with practical
  • Call by Value in C Language with practical
  • Call by Reference in C Language with practical
  • Summary


  • An Introduction to Pointers
  • Pointer Notation in C Language
  • Back to Function Calls in C Language with practical
  • Recursion in C Language with practical
  • Summary


  • The C Preprocessor in C Language
  • Features of C Preprocessor
  • Macro Expansion in C Language
  • Macros with Arguments with practical
  • Macros versus Functions with practical
  • File Inclusion in C Language with practical
  • #if and #elif Directives with practical
  • Miscellaneous Directives in C Language
  • #undef Directive with practical
  • #pragma Directive with practical
  • Summary


  • What are Arrays in C Language
  • A Simple Program Using Array
  • How to Initialize Array in C Language with practical
  • Passing Array Elements in C Language to a Function with practical
  • Pointers and Arrays in C Language with practical
  • Passing an Entire Array to a Function in C Language with practical
  • Two Dimensional Arrays in C Language with practical
  • Initializing a 2-Dimensional Array with practical
  • Pointers and 2-Dimensional Arrays with practical
  • Pointer to an Array with practical
  • Passing 2-D array to a Function with practical
  • Array of Pointers with practical
  • Three Dimensional Array with practical
  • Summary


  • What are Strings in C Language
  • How to get length of a string in C Language using strlen( ) with practical
  • How to copy a string in C Language using strcpy( ) with practical
  • How to concatenate a string in C Language using strcat( ) with practical
  • How to compare two string in C Language using strcmp( ) with practical
  • Summary


  • What is Structures in C Language
  • Why Use Structures in C Language
  • Declaring a Structure in C Language with practical
  • Accessing Structure Elements in C Language with practical
  • How Structure Elements are Stored with practical
  • Array of Structures in C Language with practical
  • Additional Features of Structures with practical
  • Uses of Structures with practical
  • Summary

File Operation

  • File Input/Output in C Language with practical
  • File Operations in C Language with practical
  • Opening a File in C Language with practical
  • Reading from a File in C Language with practical
  • Closing the File in C Language with practical
  • Writing to a File in C Language with practical
  • File Opening Modes
  • String (line) I/O in Files
  • Summary


  • Operations On Bits in C Language with practical
  • Bitwise Operators with practical
  • One’s Complement Operator with practical
  • Right Shift Operator with practical
  • Left Shift Operator with practical
  • Bitwise AND Operator with practical
  • Bitwise OR Operator with practical
  • Bitwise XOR Operator with practical
  • Summary
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